Defendant Services: Services offered to firms that are involved in a business bankruptcy include:
- Certified Expert Witness in a Bankruptcy Preference Action - D & H will assist creditors with defenses against preference actions.
- Creditors Committee Representation of those firms who are one of the top twenty creditors in a bankruptcy case.
- Bulk Filing of Proof of Claims - when a firm due to their volume of customers and business is the target for constant filings of bankruptcy, D & H will handle the filing of all of your proof of claims.
- Bankruptcy Industry Data Analysis Reports - D & H offers a low-cost industry data analysis report for use in defending smaller preference actions filed against a Defendant.
- New Service! Document Preparation for Potential Preference Actions - D & H works with your staff to prepare you for the eventual preference action by locating and storing all documents needed, providing a potential preference amount and providing Expert Witness Service as well as recommending the best attorney for your defense.
Plaintiff Services: Services offered to Estates, Debtors-in-Possession, Trustees and Plaintiff Attorneys involved in a business
bankruptcy include:
- Certified Expert Witness in Bankruptcy Preference Actions - D & H will assist the Estate in defending the recovery of preferential payments made to Defendants by the bankrupt firm by acting as the Estate’s Certified Expert Witness
- Collection of Accounts Receivables, Duplicate Payments & Other Areas Typically Overlooked By Estates - D & H will provide the manpower and expertise to assist the Estate to recover unpaid debts owed to it as well as payments that were made twice for the same invoice to those that the bankrupt firm purchased goods or services plus many other areas of recovery on a Completely Contingency Basis!
- Collection of Preference Claims - Assist the Estate in recouping of preferential payments made to vendors and service providers during the preference period
- Bankruptcy Industry Data Analysis Reports - D & H offers a low-cost industry data analysis report for use in pursuing smaller preference actions filed against a Defendant.
Other Services Provided to Non-Bankruptcy Related Firms: Services offered to a firm looking to improve their overall cash-flow.
- Cash Flow/Credit Department Review - D & H will review how a firm’s cash flow is managed from a order-to-cash and a purchase-to-pay perspective.
- Enhancing Your Credit Department Staff - D & H will assist CFO’s and other executives when hiring a new Credit Manager.
- Business Mediations and Negotiations - D & H will assist clients with difficult collection and other negotiation situations.
- Business Collection Agency Monitoring and Management - D & H will manage multiple collection agencies for clients providing one report and one contact point at a flat rate.
- Onsite Educational Programs - D & H creates customized onsite in-house training for Credit Departments.
- Program Speaker - Speak at credit events of all kinds, including national, local and industry group events.
- Financial Customer Service - D & H enhances overall cash flow by orchestrating the merger of the credit and customer service functions.
Please call us at (302) 832 - 6980 to discuss in greater detail any of the listed services